Electronic Journals

Electronic Journals


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Note: Full text for certain publications is subject to market availability.

Annual Reviews


Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides a list of acaddmic journals in full tex open access in different fields: Economics, Management, Business, Mathematics, Social Sciences.


JSTOR is a digital library founded in 1995. Originally containing digitized back issues of academic journals, it now also includes books and primary sources. IESA is subscribed to 45 titles of journals in the area of Business, Management and Economics.

Taylor Francis Online

Access to journals and full-text publications available on open access.


Provides access to full titles of journals that the Library subscribes in print. It also allows access to 17,500 tables of content catalogs magazines and other publishers.



Scientific Electronic Library Online it is a model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet. Specially developed to meet the needs of scientific communication in developing countries, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean.


It is an academic project for the dissemination of scientific publishing activity occurring in and about Latin America. At first, it was a scientific periodicals online repositories, but over time has it evolved into a scientific information system that incorporates the development of tools for the analysis of the production and dissemination of scientific literature and also generates products research.


Institutional Repository of the University of Los Andes, which provides the teaching and research community, the intellectual material of their university.


Institutional Repository of the UCV, which was created to allow free access to the intellectual, academic materials and resources developed in the areas of teaching, research and dissemination of the UCV.

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