
The Campus in Venezuela

Since it was founded in 1965, IESA's main campus has been located in San Bernardino (Caracas, Venezuela). The IESA Zulia Center in Maracaibo was inaugurated in 1994, and the headquarters of the IESA Valencia Center in Carabobo state were opened in 1998. Both locations offer executive training programs to the entire entrepreneurial community throughout the nation.

Caracas, Venezuela
IESA Avenue, IESA building, San Bernardino Urbanization, Caracas 1010, capital district, Venezuela.

Phone number: +58 (212) 555 4372 / 4260

If you are interested in studying a Master's Degree, please call the following phone numbers: +58 (212) 555 4371 / 4354

If you are interested in executive education, please call following phone numbers: +58 (212) 555 4351 / 4234 / 4236/ 4254 / 4459 / 4461

IESA Zulia Center 
16th Avenue and 77th street, Befercom building, Maracaibo, Zulia state. Venezuela.
Phone numbers: +58 (261) 751 4613 / 4615 / 4562
IESA Valencia Center 
Eladio Alemán Sucre Avenue, between 137 and 130 Streets. Prebo shopping mall, locale 88 01; Prebo Urbanization. Valencia, Carabobo state. Venezuela
Phone numbers: +58 (241) 823 8775; +58 (241) 825 2132

The Dominican Republic Campus

International offices
In the past 5 years, spurred on by its vision of multiplying the impact of training responsible leaders and establishing enterprising values and practices, the IESA has promoted a regional impact strategy based on reinforcing the group of professors, expanding the academic offer and generating and disseminating knowledge backed by its international consultants council, with participation from professors from the Harvard business school.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Fiscal address: Pasteur Street, corner of Santiago, Plaza Jardines de Gazcue, Suite 307-308
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Phone number: 829-2290511

The Panama Campus

International offices
In the past 5 years, spurred on by its vision of multiplying the impact of training responsible leaders and establishing enterprising values and practices, the IESA has promoted a regional impact strategy based on reinforcing the group of professors, expanding the academic offer and generating and disseminating knowledge backed by its international consultants council, with participation from professors from the Harvard business school.

Panama City, Panama
Ciudad del Saber, House No. 137B, Evelio Lara Street, Clayton, Panama City, Panama.

Phone numbers: +507 317 0424 y 317 1329

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